Finding the right Speaker for your Event
is the key to a successful event!

It’s True, The Success Of An Event Can Be Boiled Down To The Quality Of The Speakers
And The Experience They Create For Your Audience.

If you’re looking for an experienced speaker for your upcoming event, I’d be honored to be considered. I deliver engaging and thought provoking talks to spiritual communities, extraterrestrial and UFO research groups, afterlife research groups, business owners, nonprofits, and more.
As a Spiritual Teacher I share how to integrate the natural psychic senses with the empowerment of spiritual knowledge to help create a more fulfilling life of love, happiness and success.
As a Psychic Medium on a mission to empower lives one conscious droplet at a time - I love stepping onstage, connecting with audiences, and sharing my knowledge and experience to help others find their life path and to use their natural intuitive abilities to live a fuller and more expanded life.
Here are the details on my signature talks, what you can expect from me as your speaker, and more.
Manifestation through the Cosmic God Soil
Spiritual Dimensions, Frequencies and Vibrations
We are not alone in the Universe;
Starseeds and Extraterrestrials
Connecting with those we have loved and lost...
Connecting with those we have loved and lost...
Come and experience the phenomenon of direct spirit contact. Jamie Clark, a natural born spirit medium, will convey needed messages from your loved ones and friends that have graduated to the other side.
In this group setting, he will communicate love and information that will heal your soul. Many people gain insight and closure to unresolved issues as well as receive information about possible upcoming events in their lives.

Jamie's Talks Can Be Delivered As A Motivational Keynote Or In A More Intimate Workshop Setting.
Based on available time and audience size, Jamie can incorporate exercises that deep dive into psychic and mediumship development, meeting your Master Guide, creating your spiritual room and other fun and interactive activities.
Documentary Movie

I am honored to work with this scientific research team. There's a new film series that I am in, with Susanne Wilson , Whitley Strieber, Dannion Brinkley, Forrest J Ackerman, Michael Shermer, Dr. John Alexander, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and a scientific research team from University of Arizona.
The series is called "The Life After Death Project, Parts 1, 2, & 3" from the award-winning producer of the Showtime film "Roswell", Mr. Paul Jeffrey Davids.
On Amazon Prime!!!