Welcome to Jamie's Project page!!! Jamie Clark is one of the few psychics that is always challenging himself but also testing his abilities for accuracy. Jamie participates in scientific studies with a team at the University of Arizona with Dr. Gary Schwartz. Jamie Clark is an Evidential Medium Advisor for the Soul Phone. The SoulPhone™ devices will someday allow you to visit with your “deceased” loved ones. That may sound impossible or too good to be true. However definitive, replicated, and multicenter scientific experiments run in 2019 show it isn’t. For more information, please visit https://www.thesoulphonefoundation.org. Jamie has also participated in studies at Duke University for the Parapsychology program. Jamie is an author of the children's book series, "The Adventures of Roko and Tookee, The Kids from Mars," as well as the author of the card decks, "Psychic Evolution Training Cards," and "Jamie-isms: Philosophies and 'Isms' of a Psychic Medium." Jamie is a Podcast Host for Psychic Evolution and a Radio Host for A View of Humanity.

Radio Show
A View of Humanity
​Jamie Clark is your Host of "A View of Humanity"
Join Jamie live every other Tuesday at 6:00 pm EST, on "A View of Humanity" at https://pyramidone.wixsite.com/pyramidoneradio
Call in at 609-663-0153 to receive a complimentary reading.
Next shows: February 25

Documentary Movie Premiere

I am honored to work with this scientific research team. There's a new film series that I am in, with Susanne Wilson, Whitley Strieber, Dannion Brinkley, Forrest J Ackerman, Michael Shermer, Dr. John Alexander, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and a scientific research team from Univ. of AZ.
The series is called "The Life After Death Project, Parts 1, 2, & 3" from the award-winning producer of the Showtime film "Roswell", Mr. Paul Jeffrey Davids.
Coming soon to Amazon Prime!!!

Enjoy access to the full library of the Psychic Evolution Mystery School to enhance and to develop your intuition, psychic and mediumship abilities. Harmonize the Spirit, Mind and Body!!!
For only $25 per month, you can enjoy learning to enhance your Psychic and Mediumship abilities.
Classes include:
Master Guide & Spirit Guides
Natural Laws
Spiritual Room
Metaphysical Senses
Safety, Rules and Parameters
Remote Viewing
MindSight Workout
Third Eye Activation
Developing Intuition
Creating a Vision of your Divine Self
Dream Interpretation
This plan also includes the Inner Eye goodies!
Monthly Training Session with Psychic Evolution Community
Every other month Q&A with Jamie and Maggie Clark
Monthly Meditation
Free access to Live Classes

Jamie Clark and his mom, Elaine, are bringing you the Adventures of Roko & Tookee, The Kids from Mars. Book 1 & Book 2
Roko and Tookee are part of the Intergalactic Space Council. Here are the Intergalactic Guidelines
Be true to yourself
When things are going wrong, you don’t have to go with them.
Think about what you do want rather than what you don’t want, because you just might get it.
Always remember to say, “I love you.”
Believe in yourself. You can become anything you want.
Use your imagination.
Do something nice for someone else, even if no one will know.
The awareness that we are all one, always, all-ways.
Enjoy life. You never know when you will be given another assignment.
Book 1:
One sunny day at an outdoor barbeque, an alien spaceship crashed into the beautiful red rocks in Sedona, Arizona. The Bravo family heard a telepathic call for help and Daddy Bill Bravo raced off to meet Roko and Tookee, the kids from Mars. Book 1 is an exciting adventure of rescue, stunning powers, interesting friendships, and a rare encounter with the army as everyone is looking for these extraterrestrials.
Book 2:
Roko and Tookee, the Kids from Mars, teach the Bravo family how to ride a thought form to the Red Planet, Mars where they meet Quazar, a Master Teacher, living deep within the core of the planet in the “Temple of Light.” Meanwhile, Memar and Shazar, the Martian twins’ parents, are spending time with the military on Earth. Book 2 is an exciting off planet adventure of inter-dimensional learning.
This adventure story opens up possibilities to children of other lifeforms, with compassion and love as Roko & Tookee and the entire Bravo go on the Adventure together!
This is a great book for learning non-judgment for all beings and teamwork. The best book for raising kids with special gifts, psychic abilities and will help to empower children and parents.
A perfect book for boys and girls ages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

Psychic Evolution Training Cards
by Jamie Clark
Have you ever wanted to develop your Psychic abilities? Psychic Evolution Training Cards are the perfect way to fine tune and expand your abilities. You can use these with a friend or by yourself.
Training with this Psychic Evolution deck will give you the versatility to receive information from a variety of designs that are made to expand your psychic gifts of reading and working with energy. It's time for the Evolution of your abilities and the connection to the physical and metaphysical worlds.
Most importantly... HAVE FUN!

Research and Scientific Study
Jamie Clark is an Evidential Medium Advisor for the Soul Phone.
The SoulPhone™ devices will someday allow you to visit with your “deceased” loved ones. That may sound impossible or too good to be true. However definitive, replicated, and multicenter scientific experiments run in 2019 show it isn’t. For more information, please visit https://www.thesoulphonefoundation.org.
Jamie Clark is one of the few psychic's that is always challenging himself but also testing his abilities for accuracy. The "EPOC+" device is being used currently to map his brain waves as he uses some of his abilities in order to see what the brain actually does. This is vital for finding out what methods actually help the brain function better in these situations. He takes his job very seriously and like anyone else, he is willing to invest the right tools and time to make his skills even more keen.